Sitting down to actually write about what I do in as JMJ – EA for a Day isn’t as easy as I thought. Actually analysing my day has been very beneficial. It has shown me where the gaps are that I need to fill. As a right and left brain thinker I should be able to get this down no problems. Here goes!

The Alarm

5.30am the alarm sounds and first things first, the kettle, I need a cup of coffee. There is the cat and dog that need their breakfast, there are windows and doors to open, washing to be put on, and a flick of the switch for the morning news.  I listen intently as I fly around the house doing what I need to before 7am. It’s time to get organised.  I get dressed for the office.  I always make sure I am appropriately dressed for any impromptu video call a client may place.

Opening the Office Door

I love this feeling; opening the door to a clean desk every morning, no exceptions.  I never leave for the evening with a cluttered desk. It would simply do my head in, and do in my concentration for my evening tasks.

Email is an important part of my morning.  It is the very first thing I do when I sit at the computer. I need to find out what has happened during the night.  Just because I have turned off for the day doesn’t mean my clients have. I schedule work I wasn’t expecting (this always happens) and review my calendar for meetings, or notes I may have placed as reminders of things to do. I use my daily planner to note phone calls, and priorities.  I use paper because I can glance at it, I don’t have to physically move the mouse, click a button and wait for a page to load. (Time management 101).The majority of my time is then taken up with the designated projects for the day, which can consist of:

  • Social media
  • Cover page designs
  • Event management
  • Meetings
  • Project management
  • Travel
  • Budgets
  • Posts and website management
  • Board admin management
  • eBooks and white papers
  • Keynotes
  • Phone calls

These are just a tiny sample of what I can do during the day depending upon what I’ve scheduled. I love the variety that comes with what I do, one minute I can be in my office having a meeting on Skype or Google + then the next I’m off to a coffee shop or client offices for a consultation or perhaps I am simply heading out to  find a quiet corner where I can knock back latte’s while preparing the next newsletter.

Closing the office door

At 5.30 I actually close down all client work.  I need to, because from 6.30pm onwards I can be on a mentoring call.  I need to be focussed on my business.  I never turn off my phone, my business is about making sure my clients get the help they need. That is what gives me a point of difference.  I am accessible and my clients know it.  This is what they want, this is what they are paying for, this is what I provide.

My Evening

I have very little time for television. When I am not mentoring, I use the evenings to read and catch up on blogs. The evening is my learning time, it’s when I find out what my pears and mentors are up to in their online space. I’ll read online eBooks, check out what’s new in the app store or draft up blogs and newsletters. My evenings are the time when I strategise on my business, so they need to be productive.

It’s not do as I do

Just because I’ve laid out a sample here in black and white that this is what I do as an admin consultant and a VA doesn’t mean this is how you should or will work. This is what works for me and my clients. I only put this out there so you can get a sample of what I do. There is much more to my day but because I value my clients privacy there isn’t a lot of detail.


Have you joined our LinkedIn Group yet? Our group is growing with a good mix of VA’s and admin professionals who are contemplating the move from their corporate office to their home office. Join in, ask questions, contribute your answers.  This is a self help group supportive network of like minded professionals.

This week I had this lovely comment left in the group

I am enthusiastic about Jacqui’s work, love it and often validates my own thoughts. I look forward to seeing and being part of what happens here“. – Kara
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I’d love to know what you think, please leave a comment below. Is my day what you thought it would be?